Monday, May 07, 2007

just like the plants

plants don't give you crap and think they are being funny, peat and perlite don't expect you to have makeup on, and plastic pots don't expect you to jump through hoops for their approval. In a greenhouse, your skill speaks for itself. The plants either live or they don't. The seeds germinate or they don't.

i don't think i will ever get tired of watching tiny plants poke through the surface of the soil, watching day by day, week by week how they grow and change. in a perfect world, we would all be plants--we would know what we are doing, we would know where we are going, and every once in a while, a giant pair of hands would help us along, trimming off the spent blooms and garbage, giving us more space to grow, giving us a little boost in our lives. A giant pair of hands to help us along the way. Because plants already know their way.

i think i like that best about plants. they already know where they are going and what to do.

i wish that i could know. just like the plants.

-Samantha Rose, 2007

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